Inspired Spaces

No one knows your heart and habits better than you.  So listen to yourself. Be honest.  A house will never change the way you live.  Only you can do that.  The trick is to make your space work for you.

If you get excited by the elements of your home you will always find joy in it.  You will be excited and renewed by the simple act of living in your home.

I had an Aikido teacher who held up a wooden training dagger and said," To some of you this is a piece of wood.  To others it is a weapon.  To me it is a tool for enlightenment.  We are all correct."

A structure is no different.  To some it is shelter.  To others it is a commodity.  To me it is an opportunity to express yourself and create a place that is your own.  Who and what come in are up to you.  

Like life, where we can choose pistachio ice cream or rocky road or soy milk for those intrepid souls who have cast off the yoke of dairy, your home or office is a series of choices.  And like life, things tend to work out better when we make conscious choices and have a plan.  Choose wisely.


The shape and finish


How it will be used


Finding harmony in the two