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Craftsman Designed Solutions

The Ojai Valley's best designing contractor

(805) 794-8222 / request a consultation


Craftsman Designed Solutions

The Ojai Valley's best designing contractor

(805) 794-8222 / request a consultation

Inspired Spaces

No one knows your heart and habits better than you.  So listen to yourself. Be honest.  A house will never change the way you live.  Only you can do that.  The trick is to make your space work for you.

If you get excited by the elements of your home you will always find joy in it.  You will be excited and renewed by the simple act of living in your home.

I had an Aikido teacher who held up a wooden training dagger and said," To some of you this is a piece of wood.  To others it is a weapon.  To me it is a tool for enlightenment.  We are all correct."

A structure is no different.  To some it is shelter.  To others it is a commodity.  To me it is an opportunity to express yourself and create a place that is your own.  Who and what come in are up to you.  

Like life, where we can choose pistachio ice cream or rocky road or soy milk for those intrepid souls who have cast off the yoke of dairy, your home or office is a series of choices.  And like life, things tend to work out better when we make conscious choices and have a plan.  Choose wisely.


The shape and finish


How it will be used


Finding harmony in the two


A Few Of My Favorite Things

Every element of a structure has the ability to inspire and affirm our existence.

A Few Of My Favorite Things

Every element of a structure has the ability to inspire and affirm our existence.

Whether you are of the Julie Andrews' school of eclectic charm or your tastes and predilections run decidedly darker and further south, say Tennessee Williams-ish, our collections are what make us unique.  We find things that resonate in us and affirm our most basic and noble convictions.  This is the essence of how a space, our space, should  function.  Louis Sullivan stated form follows function.  If in its most basic form our spaces should reflect us then we will be best served when it reflects us.  My job is to listen and observe.  To take the essence of what works for you and moves you and find the through line to hang the details on to make it come together.

The long and winding road

Your home should be a narrative on how you live and see the world.  And just like each of us is a different facet of the human experience your home should afford welcome travelers the opportunity to visit the world you inhabit and be amazed.  Or maybe just be blown away at how cool your house is when they drop by for a beer.  But If you are reading this and have the need for what I do you are looking to do something out of the ordinary, if not down right extraordinary.  Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to assemble a menagerie.  A treasure trove of inspiration to draw from so we can tailor your space and transform your house from a place you live to something that is alive. 


The Way I Work

The Way I Work

Getting to know you

It's all about being comfortable

When I went to boarding school prospective students would participate in a visit known as "zooing"; you look at the animals and the animals look at you. I have a deeply held conviction that construction is about relationships.  It needs to be a good fit for both parties.  Construction is a controlled exercise in chaos and the stresses and uncertainties it can generate are often upsetting and confusing to the uninitiated.  The elixir for this dreadful circumstance is communication and trust.  You will be inviting us in to turn your world upside down, to understand your intimate habits and rituals, and to see you at your worst.  This is a description for a friend more than anything.  And how do we make friends?  By getting to know people that we can communicate with and trust. In this vein I like to meet with people to see if I am their type of man and if I like the cut of their jib. I will give any body a couple hours of my time to see if I can help them and if we are a good match.  If everyone is comfortable we can proceed from there.  I like to leave people better than I find them.

Logan Gould, Gould Fine Cabinetry

Logan Gould, Gould Fine Cabinetry

Riggs Custom Coatings

John M. "Johnny" Johnston, General Contractor, rogue, and haberdasher

John M. "Johnny" Johnston, General Contractor, rogue, and haberdasher

Making the right decisions

Honesty is the best policy

There is an old axiom in construction: there is never enough money or time to do things right the first time, but there is always enough to do it again.  People want to start quickly and can often rush into things only to have buyers remorse and regrets.  I like to build quickly, in fact I pride myself on building as quickly as anyone, but I like to start slowly and do a lot of work planning and making decisions before you pay me to tear up your life.  Call it command and control.  Call it a man with a plan.  Call it an exit strategy.  However you see it the important thing is to take the time to ask lots of questions and make good decisions.  My facilitation of this is my value.  It helps you and protects me.  It is a beautiful thing.

Chris, Ventura County Plumbing

Chris, Ventura County Plumbing

Running a successful job

Communication is everything

I think an ugly truth is healthier than a pretty lie.  In everyday life we qualify things. Good, bad, love, hate, wonderful, dreadful.  Subjective assessments of situations that are virtually immeasurable and which will never be accounted for.  This works as a social lubricant that minimizes friction and allows us the pursuit of happiness without killing each other.  In building life we quantify everything.  Lineal feet, square inches, cubic yards.  Objective assessments of situations that are measurable and literally accounted for. This works as a professional lubricant that minimizes friction and allows us the pursuit of happiness with out killing each other.  This clash of diametrically opposed sensibilities can be a an adjustment (if not outright upsetting) and the ability to explain what and why we are doing things is just as important as expelling what and why we are feeling things.  Best to be able to address things in real time rather than letting resentment build to a toxic level.   People can not always be perfect, but they can always be honest.  It is particularly helpful when it seems most difficult.  Trust me on that.

Brian Klindt, Reliable Heating and Air

Brian Klindt, Reliable Heating and Air

Wes Theis, finish carpenter

Wes Theis, finish carpenter